
Music in my head. Leaking out.

I can't get this one out of my head. Love it. Love it. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! watched the show because I own the books by Charlaine Harris & we got free HBO for a year thanks to a Comcast. & now this song is the music score to my life at the strangest times, don't ask, you don't want to know. but must admit this song was playing in my head at the last Cub Scout Pack Meeting when something remind me of Himself. Naughty me. Oh well. But then again, he's the spousal unit so go me. I am totally authorized to think that way about him. Required even.

The opening credits to TrueBlood are a really good piece of work from an artistic sense. I like it. Good tune-age. Good picture/video choices for a show about vampires. A little graphic (gross dead 'possum & decomposing critter--eww, nose crinklingly yucky) but the combination of unsophisticated sensuality & death, decomp & rabid religious fervor--scarily true to the feeling of the show. But I don't usually get impressed by opening credits of tv shows or movies. Okay, pretty much never, once in a blue moon. But damn, that one is impressively memorable & accurate. 'Sides that's the way memories play in my head when I can't sleep at night or I can't concentrate during boring or stressful events. flashes of seemingly disconnected things/events with background music.

Argh. Hate when embedding is disabled but here's the URL for P!nk's SO WHAT. CharlieBoy heard this one first & forced me to listen to it--because it made him think of me. Guess I get a little obnoxious when I embibe sometimes. Suits my mood at times.


love the guitar on 3's & 7's. this song can drag me up out of the doldrums ever so deep. thanks to my brother Mick for raving about Queens of the Stoneage until I went looking for their music. & to the radio that played this one over & over again until I caught the name.

& then there's our joanie.

somebody tell me why I am so all over the place. country. rock. rap. bagpipes (sorry, kids no emergency bagpipe system have to buy it to hear it. even the preview at iTunes doesn't do it justice. it's the totality for me not the clippage) classical even. my all time fav classical music is Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King:

but do not forget the cello-metal masters Apocalyptica version (sorry but "cello-metal masters" makes me giggle even if I do like their work)--because I like metal dudes especially slim long haired metal dudes with tats & piercings & I love "In the Hall of the Mountain King" so combining them is totally yummy. yeah, art. Everytime I hear something from them. I think "& now for something completely different". I don't usually like remakes or veerage from an art form (me object to veerage, what the? yeah but it's art, I get to have preferences) but when you take what seems totally inappropriate (Metallic) play it on cellos & you are dressed all Metalicious & utterly rock my world with your score, I must pay homage. Or Grieg played by metal dudes with cellos & drums. Well done, you. Do it again & again & again. Yeah, team. Of course the fact that Metallica sounds just as awesome on guitar or in full symphony as well as via the metal-cello music medium actually says something about the gloriousness of the music itself. That it's not just noise, by any standards. You might prefer one offering (say for whom the bell tolls in symponic glory) or another but that you can play the same music in such variety of ways. . . all hale, Metallica, rockgods. I prefer the official video from Apocalyptica:


but again with the no embedding. I protest most strongly. so here's an embeddable one:

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