So far this one is pretty comfortable for me. I'm enjoying it too.

This one is a little rougher for me. It talks about some truly offensive things in the most outrageous way. But I keep telling myself, you can't keep them a baby forever & we've been dialoguing--because she had already heard about stuff from other kids. So instead she gets to read the iffy eww! stuff & we get to talk about it. Because, the truth is she would get her hands on it no matter what & this way I have more control over how much exposure she gets to stuff. Slower than otherwise. & I get to make her talk to me about things.
But for myself, I howl, absolutely howl. It is outrageous to the point of hysteria. I should really be ashamed of this one. I learned a new word--twincest. eww! but funny. Just when you thought it was safe to read graphic art. Graphic as in drawn not as in porn
It's been interesting lately. I keep having conversations with idiots. I had some idiot who was lecturing me on all anime being porn (my response was "so is Pokemon porn? if so why do they get to run it as a kid's cartoon") & when I tried to tell the guy that I don't let my kids see hentai; (yes I know that isn't the right japanese term but that's the one I think you should use in English) he thought I was horrible. Because he didn't know the difference. I'm sorry but if you don't know the difference between anime & hentai or even something like shojou, shounen, seinen, seijin or yaoi & yuri you don't get to yell at me (hey, I don't know enough japanese to my shame to be able to tell you if those words are declined right, but you have to know more than I do to yell at me & to be honest if your opinion differs I probably won't listen if you're rude anyway). Also, once I tell you I preview stuff for my kids including regular movies & books & authors--you don't get to fuss at me unless you spend a little time to figure out exactly what I mean by that. an arbitrary rating by people I don't know isn't something I trust.
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