
Thinks you can think--earthships? Earthships!

So this is the latest thought that is chasing around in my brain. Earthships.


Love'em. Love'em. LOVE'EM. But I want a dryer. Want 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, want extra rooms (library. crafthall. workshop.). Is the limit of size the limit of necessity or the limit of "omigawd, my arms freaking hurt, this thing is done!"

(Have to love the goat sounds in that one & the goat audience at the end.)

That's the think I keep thinking. Or maybe it's cost? Hmm. must research more.

Eventually we'll have to get the books:


maybe I'll see if I can't get them from the library. (Volume 1 is now on hold as I type.)

the guy in here

made a great point. Sustainable technology is a much easier sell when it is comfortable & attractive. I do not want a cob home. Ewww.

My brother Mick (who I really get along with) wants to do the earthship thing too, along with his nifty wife Stephanie (whom I also really get along with. We were talking about building Earthships next door to each other on 5 acre plots & pooling a common garden & sharing some chickens & goats, me learning to spin the bloody hair into yarn for my knittery, Steph with her pottery. Steph is also a pre-vet student, so, yeah for medical care for all the beasties. Wish we could find enough other nut jobs to build by us too with the whole sustainable technology thing. Yeah, hippie township.

But I am not giving up my Roomba or other geek toys. but I totally want the solar, wind, hydro thing going on so I'm not paying for my sins too much. local ordinances prohibiting non-sustainable living quarters. would be awesome. You could try & fail but you couldn't not try.

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