Ever notice that somethings that are the biggest pain in the keister are the most rewarding in the long run? We orignally had (I might be off by 1) 5 visits from Comcast when we first moved to WA--we went with Dish Network) this time it took 3.
Exhibit Q, Z,
V, W, & X (because they're the neglected letters--A, B, C, D, & E get too much air time).
But so not talking about the fandamily. Talking about cable, phone, & internet with Comcast. So we switched from Dish to Comcast. We already found 2 new channels for himself. History & Military. We've got On Demand movies. We are sitting here watching "Johnny Mnemonic" & the kids watched the "Garfield Movie". Tomorrow "The Rocketeer & Tuesday "Uncle Buck"
Talking about phone. I now have Caller ID & Call Waiting.
I have a guaranteed price not a commitment for years of service to get a better price. & for a cheaper price. I guess somebody forgot to tell Dish that customer service is something the company does not something the customer does.
Even if it took as many visits as it did for Comcast to get started, I think we'll be happier in the long run. So yeah, for cheaper & more stuffage.
Ever watch Extreme Home Makeover? Himself loves it. I try not to watch it because it makes me cry, every time--but if it's on, it's a train wreck. I can't look away. I am such a sap. I love seeing the solutions to problems that are basically sucking away quality of life from some people.
But it always made me think. What do I think, you say? Taxes. Income, real estate. How do the people who can't afford to fix their houses pay for it? But luckily I am addicted to Google. yeah, me! I can type in a word or a combination of words & read.
So this is the latest thought that is chasing around in my brain. Earthships.
Love'em. Love'em. LOVE'EM. But I want a dryer. Want 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, want extra rooms (library. crafthall. workshop.). Is the limit of size the limit of necessity or the limit of "omigawd, my arms freaking hurt, this thing is done!"
(Have to love the goat sounds in that one & the goat audience at the end.)
That's the think I keep thinking. Or maybe it's cost? Hmm. must research more.
maybe I'll see if I can't get them from the library. (Volume 1 is now on hold as I type.)
the guy in here
made a great point. Sustainable technology is a much easier sell when it is comfortable & attractive. I do not want a cob home. Ewww.
My brother Mick (who I really get along with) wants to do the earthship thing too, along with his nifty wife Stephanie (whom I also really get along with. We were talking about building Earthships next door to each other on 5 acre plots & pooling a common garden & sharing some chickens & goats, me learning to spin the bloody hair into yarn for my knittery, Steph with her pottery. Steph is also a pre-vet student, so, yeah for medical care for all the beasties. Wish we could find enough other nut jobs to build by us too with the whole sustainable technology thing. Yeah, hippie township.
But I am not giving up my Roomba or other geek toys. but I totally want the solar, wind, hydro thing going on so I'm not paying for my sins too much. local ordinances prohibiting non-sustainable living quarters. would be awesome. You could try & fail but you couldn't not try.
I'm going to be postive if it kills me. Really. I'm not kidding. Call me Polly-f*cking-anna. Speaking of which, I need to watch that again.
It's probably a good thing I'm not telepathic. The music I love would probably be considered torture because the songs echo repetitively, obsessively, randomly in my head. & sometimes the music doesn't jive with the action on screen.
Ecce! Nat started Latin yesterday. & the girl is totally sitting under the tree. et puella sub arbore sedet. plene. & reading. et legit. Yeah. I had a copy of Ecce Romani I laying around so we're using that for now. Rowan will start with Minimus either this summer or next year or next week. It depends on when I figure out what the little rugrats did with it.