so I've decided to go ahead & posts some drafts that aren't finished due to photos or what not. They are really really old because I've crawled in a hole for a bit & had a little trouble finding my way out. I was probably lost. big surprise there. me lost as usual. luckily Traci & my girls from playgroup are helping me dig myself out. But part of the reason I fell into that cave is 'puter frustrations. I have actually tried to post quite a few blogs over the past 2 months but Mephistopheles (the 'puter I usually use) is buggy as hell & I can't see to get it working just right. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will add the other pix in later that are missing in a fresh post. If I remember, if I don't & somebody wants to see & they ask me I will do it. I just get a little forgetful most of the time.
I've been feeling off lately. I've been sick a lot with stupid illnesses that aren't very serious by are sort of draining when you add them all up. But also I've been moody so I sort of shut down. Of course the first reason didn't help with the second. But the second would have happened no matter what.
Himself is fussy about work (less so now than before as he finally finds his footing) & driving me insane. But now that he's less cranky, he's been in & out going to sea so we haven't really been able to reconnect very well. It's all very well & good to make up except for the fact that sometimes I don't hear from him for days. Not his fault but I miss him.
but onto better things:
I am going to post the pix I took so you can see why I don't usually bother taking pictures.

So the three girls are Nat (my baby girl) Tori (my beloved Traci's daughter) & Ani one of Tori's friends. They went trick or treating with a group of kids in Tori's neighborhood which deadends & has so many children of so many ages going trick or treating that it looks like a neverending population boom. They had a blast. I felt good about letting her be responsible (i.e. go without me, scary much) in a safe environment as well as scared that she's growing up.

This one is Rowan & Sean (also my Traci's boy) they went with their dads

& Evan Sean's little brother. Traci & I stayed in & drank beer & handed out candy & giggled & gossiped & bitched about this & that. Which I needed.

And these are the new boots Nat got today. She's been going to the orthodontist with a friend of mine lately who's got some young kids to help out (Valerie). & Valerie had shown up at my house for a playgroup wearing boots just like that Natalie adored. So when Valerie offered to take Nat to Fred Meyer to pick up a pair for herself after the ortho appointment, I said yes. Nat got her $ together to buy the boots & was looking forward to it all morning before she left. It was so cute. When she came home, she told me that Valerie wouldn't let her pay for them. Now, Nat needs to get her Red Cross Babysitter Training before she can collect $ for watching babies & the last couple of times we tried to take her & her friends it didn't work out. So Valerie has been wanting to do something for Nat. Otherwise I'd be PayPal-ing her the $. So I told Nat that & that she should just be thankful & everytime she wears the boots she should think about Valerie & the girls & take a moment to think happy thoughts their way. I never learned to accept gifts well. I hope Nat does.