Zack's (my nephew) sweater
This one I am really proud of. Not that it's especially well done. It's just the first knitting project I've finished in months. It's been sitting waiting for the sewing up. It's done, it's mailed. It is no longer hanging over my head screaming imprecations. Instead it is warm fuzzy bunny feeling. Yeah me.
global orgasm for peace
I'm just saying.
Science, iffy. As in, I saw none quoted after perusing the site.
But, who cares? Points for overall joy-joy feel goodedness. I'm thinking that maybe if more people had satisfying sex the world would be a happier place. So go out there--er, stay in there for peace. or at least have a laugh because somebody somewhere thought this was a good idea. Random event generator people, today, you're my heroes.
I'm just saying.
Science, iffy. As in, I saw none quoted after perusing the site.
But, who cares? Points for overall joy-joy feel goodedness. I'm thinking that maybe if more people had satisfying sex the world would be a happier place. So go out there--er, stay in there for peace. or at least have a laugh because somebody somewhere thought this was a good idea. Random event generator people, today, you're my heroes.
Either I'm a Gemini or I'm bipolar.
Regardless, I am such a dichotomy in action. In just about everything I do & say. Take 2 of my favorite Xmas songs.
exhibit A the anti-carol "Father Christmas" by the Kinks covered by OK Go--I love YouTube! I hadn't heard this in forever. I need to play this for Nat but she's in bed right now.
exhibit B the overly commercialized carol "Santa Baby" by Earth Kitt my innerfeminazi cringes at how much I love this song.
exhibit A the anti-carol "Father Christmas" by the Kinks covered by OK Go--I love YouTube! I hadn't heard this in forever. I need to play this for Nat but she's in bed right now.
exhibit B the overly commercialized carol "Santa Baby" by Earth Kitt my innerfeminazi cringes at how much I love this song.
It's midnight & I'm hungry.
But that's not why I'm blogging. I'm blogging because I just finished listening to lovelines (going to have to stop doing that) & a song came on & it has been getting stuck in my head. It's the first time I really thought a song was noise. Pure crap. Repetitive puerile & annoying. I think I've gotten old. I sort of want to cry or at least crank up my Violent Femmes & other loud rowdy stuff. I got a headache from it that went away within a minute or two of it going off the radio. The best part was they went to the Femmes & I was so relieved to hear Blister in the Sun because it was real music. Tell me the truth I'm getting old. Don't lie to me. I have to know. Here's the song that I hate:
Sex ed as it should be. . .
. . . catchy tunes. dancing condom costumes made out of posterboard.
advisory this is at least high school level there is one brief cartoon drawing that might be considered offensive.
advisory this is at least high school level there is one brief cartoon drawing that might be considered offensive.
No, wait, I am in love again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This one is hot. He is sleek. He cleans floors. I have lusted for him for years ever since I became aware of him. He has a delicious techyum kind of vibe. Meet Anubis--our new iRobot Roomba.
Think I'll buy Scoomba next time himself goes to sea.
Check out my boys they did a skit called Farting Dog (because fart humor is the best when you are a 9 year old boy) at the last Cub Scout pack meeting. Sorry about the dark pictures. Enjoy!
Think I'll buy Scoomba next time himself goes to sea.
Check out my boys they did a skit called Farting Dog (because fart humor is the best when you are a 9 year old boy) at the last Cub Scout pack meeting. Sorry about the dark pictures. Enjoy!
I'm a little fractured right now. A certain adult female in my life who shall remain nameless chose to call & be rather antisocial to me while drinking with another adult female. I think I've moved beyond caring about what they said--even though it was worth 5 years of therapy. But the fact that I had trouble being mean back is bugging me & the fact that I know I will forgive at least the one for being mean drunk party girl & purposely selecting me to be their verbal punching bag--not because they deserve it but because I can't hold the rage & I need to forgive them for me & my beliefs. I'm planning on writing them a letter detailing why what they said was wrong, cruel & they should have never done it drunk or not. & I am so not talking to them for a few months. But if they weren't family (whether by choice or blood, I shan't say), I could walk away & forget them. But the reason they could be so effective in hatefulness was how well they know me. A person outside of my life & not an integral part of my life couldn't have even known the boundaries were there to step over them. Using my sexuality, my past & my beliefs against me for malicious drunken amusement. Some of which I had not chosen to discuss with them in any detail--even if they could tell.
I am not ashamed of my choices & will discuss things quite honestly & openly in an appropriate forum. I am comfortable with my alt religion & my mildly kinky side (just a few sprinkles of flavor, not enough to interest anybody other than my spouse) & the things I've experience over my lifetime. I am just angry that they chose to target me because my philosophy made it easy to be mean to me. I am going through a phase where I am trying to shift from passive-aggressive to assertive & not having to go all the way into being aggressive verbally when I'm angry. I want my conflict resolution to be non-violent communication in form but that doesn't mean I am a human punching bag or rug to be walked upon. A sex positive philosophy & religious tolerance & having made peace with an abusive past are not topics for humor, drunk or not. They are a reason for pride & joy & I will not let them take it from me. I will not allow them to push me back into the place where the only answer for rudeness is rudeness. I don't want to be like that. & I won't. I'm also angry that less than a day later I am already trying to see their side & move on. But I don't think they deserve it.
I wish himself was not at sea--I don't think it would have upset me so bad if he had been here. But I am blessed with caring, supportive friends who are helping me deal.
Sometimes it really is the other person. This seems to be the theme of the season. Usually, I think conflicts are caused through miscommunication &/or lack of knowledge & understanding. But I don't think so this time. They knew what they were doing. & they knew better--because you should never say the things they said. Therapists spend years saying the opposite to abuse victims & they knew that. Even if they thought I could take it & not be devastated by it--they still shouldn't have said it. What they said isn't bugging me as much as why they said it & the fact that they targeted me & who they are.
Drunk is not an excuse.
It is not okay.
OK Go--no really OK Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meet OK Go. the band. dancing in the backyard. who I adore. I've such grace, I've such beauty. fishnets & malice. A Million Ways to be Cruel.
why my I can't keep my kids on a schedule
I seem to think that classic cinema is enlightening. why I don't know especially when I'm talking about the following movie. It is now 23:07 & there is another 43 minutes to go. what are we watching you say? let me give you a hint:
that's right it's drumroll, please.
flash gordon.
it offers so much opportunity for dialogue. if you're ever in that circumstance, do this or that so you're not the girlygirl squealing & not defending your friend be the girlygirl who colorcoordiates your weapons & armor. lol. they can learn so much from it. the sad thing is. I actually mean that. I grew up on scifi/fan & I don't think it hurt me. I grew up thinking if the hero comes to save the heroine locked in the tower, the least she can do is throw the chamberpot at the guard & try to take apart the whole tower in search of MacGuyveresque weapons. Like when Princess Leia strangles Jabba the Hut with her slave chain.
that's right it's drumroll, please.
flash gordon.
it offers so much opportunity for dialogue. if you're ever in that circumstance, do this or that so you're not the girlygirl squealing & not defending your friend be the girlygirl who colorcoordiates your weapons & armor. lol. they can learn so much from it. the sad thing is. I actually mean that. I grew up on scifi/fan & I don't think it hurt me. I grew up thinking if the hero comes to save the heroine locked in the tower, the least she can do is throw the chamberpot at the guard & try to take apart the whole tower in search of MacGuyveresque weapons. Like when Princess Leia strangles Jabba the Hut with her slave chain.
in response to kira's kitties
I love J-Pop. dress like an anime character. & sometimes sing a song where you randomly shout things from another language--English.
example A: Kotani Kinya Spicy Marmalade (I swear it sounds like he yells how'd you get so marmalade at one point.)
then there is
example B: smile.dk butterfly imagine if you will, (those of you who know our Donovan) Nat Row, Donovan & I dancing around the living room mimicking the chicks. this is not beautiful music, it is repetitive & it gets stuck in your head. I love the animation from a sheer joy-joy perspective. But if you have ever danced around the room with children to it having, watched it about 50 times, it suddenly becomes glorious. I heart (make appropriate hand gestures at this point as evidenced by the cornrowed non-samurai-ist chickie babes) me some samurai.
example A: Kotani Kinya Spicy Marmalade (I swear it sounds like he yells how'd you get so marmalade at one point.)
then there is
example B: smile.dk butterfly imagine if you will, (those of you who know our Donovan) Nat Row, Donovan & I dancing around the living room mimicking the chicks. this is not beautiful music, it is repetitive & it gets stuck in your head. I love the animation from a sheer joy-joy perspective. But if you have ever danced around the room with children to it having, watched it about 50 times, it suddenly becomes glorious. I heart (make appropriate hand gestures at this point as evidenced by the cornrowed non-samurai-ist chickie babes) me some samurai.
RSS feeds
Ever think you've found the holy grail? I haven't got eternal life but I suddenly have more time.
I have finally taken the time to get the hang of this RSS feed thing. Did you know that you can set up to have all your readalicious blogs come to one page so you don't have to forget to check them? Dang it, why didn't you tell me? You know how clueless I am! Anyhow. I've got all my blogs set up except 1, which I always have trouble remembering where it is & it is a pain to search for, as of about 2 days ago. I just didn't want to list it on my blogs because it is about out there. er, okay more than a bit. but it makes me giggle when it doesn't make me wince. I'm off to go & find it hopefully.
I have finally taken the time to get the hang of this RSS feed thing. Did you know that you can set up to have all your readalicious blogs come to one page so you don't have to forget to check them? Dang it, why didn't you tell me? You know how clueless I am! Anyhow. I've got all my blogs set up except 1, which I always have trouble remembering where it is & it is a pain to search for, as of about 2 days ago. I just didn't want to list it on my blogs because it is about out there. er, okay more than a bit. but it makes me giggle when it doesn't make me wince. I'm off to go & find it hopefully.
something that made me weep
so I am a sentimentalist. but for some reason, I think love should have no limits, no boundaries, no rules except as the heart dictates. (love being an emotion that causes you to care more for the happiness loved one than your own happiness) It has no shape or form. & people who legislate try to force their beliefs on others are cruel--it's unnecessary why go a-poking in the bedroom of two consenting adults? I read complaints from both sides of the fence on this one that I thought were wrong & and I want to argue with each & every one of them. But instead. I think it stands on its own. All I know is, I can not even think about this video without tearing up.
I still heart me some Prabhu Deva
the comedic genius of it all but then there are moments of silence in the noise. a moment of beauty if the chaos of laughter. Sometimes my breath catches & I sigh. It's the mating display of stag for doe, a peacock's strut. There's a purity in watching music videos in another language that watching something in English can't compare with. I have no idea what they are saying & I revel in just the sound of the voices & musics then I desperately wish I knew what they were saying even though what I imagine is probably better. I always smile when I watch my crazy Indian music videos. I heart me some Prabhu Deva (imagine the hand to brow or fanning of the blushing cheeks). Dance, Kali, Dance. (this might make no sense to anybody but one person, you know who you are--kiss, kiss--& no I won't explain to those of you who aren't the one person)
just beautiful & had to share.
just beautiful & had to share.
I heart me some Bollywood
Oh the manic, excessiveness of it all. when Mephistopheles was down with the plague, I spent the hours it took to log onto to YouTube & watch this repeatedly & force my children & Traci's family to watch it.
I heart me some Prabhu Deva--the way he moves it's so impressive yet so not sexy even though as well as he moves--it should be. Girlish giggles suffuse the air whenever I watch this.
why can't there be more people changing their clothes (& coordinating it with everyone around them) & dancing in the streets & field of the world? the world would be such a beautiful place if we are on island time & we saw this in everyday life.
I have listened to the song about 4 times today just hitting repeat as I type to stay in the mood.
things to share. . .
that I couldn't even get to save as a draft when Mephistopheles had the plague. Now he's just got the flue. . .
so I am going to post a series of things that evoked an emotion one way or another over the past two months.
viral love, it must be shared.
so I am going to post a series of things that evoked an emotion one way or another over the past two months.
viral love, it must be shared.
posting drafts
so I've decided to go ahead & posts some drafts that aren't finished due to photos or what not. They are really really old because I've crawled in a hole for a bit & had a little trouble finding my way out. I was probably lost. big surprise there. me lost as usual. luckily Traci & my girls from playgroup are helping me dig myself out. But part of the reason I fell into that cave is 'puter frustrations. I have actually tried to post quite a few blogs over the past 2 months but Mephistopheles (the 'puter I usually use) is buggy as hell & I can't see to get it working just right. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will add the other pix in later that are missing in a fresh post. If I remember, if I don't & somebody wants to see & they ask me I will do it. I just get a little forgetful most of the time.
I've been feeling off lately. I've been sick a lot with stupid illnesses that aren't very serious by are sort of draining when you add them all up. But also I've been moody so I sort of shut down. Of course the first reason didn't help with the second. But the second would have happened no matter what.
Himself is fussy about work (less so now than before as he finally finds his footing) & driving me insane. But now that he's less cranky, he's been in & out going to sea so we haven't really been able to reconnect very well. It's all very well & good to make up except for the fact that sometimes I don't hear from him for days. Not his fault but I miss him.
but onto better things:
I am going to post the pix I took so you can see why I don't usually bother taking pictures.
So the three girls are Nat (my baby girl) Tori (my beloved Traci's daughter) & Ani one of Tori's friends. They went trick or treating with a group of kids in Tori's neighborhood which deadends & has so many children of so many ages going trick or treating that it looks like a neverending population boom. They had a blast. I felt good about letting her be responsible (i.e. go without me, scary much) in a safe environment as well as scared that she's growing up.
This one is Rowan & Sean (also my Traci's boy) they went with their dads
& Evan Sean's little brother. Traci & I stayed in & drank beer & handed out candy & giggled & gossiped & bitched about this & that. Which I needed.
And these are the new boots Nat got today. She's been going to the orthodontist with a friend of mine lately who's got some young kids to help out (Valerie). & Valerie had shown up at my house for a playgroup wearing boots just like that Natalie adored. So when Valerie offered to take Nat to Fred Meyer to pick up a pair for herself after the ortho appointment, I said yes. Nat got her $ together to buy the boots & was looking forward to it all morning before she left. It was so cute. When she came home, she told me that Valerie wouldn't let her pay for them. Now, Nat needs to get her Red Cross Babysitter Training before she can collect $ for watching babies & the last couple of times we tried to take her & her friends it didn't work out. So Valerie has been wanting to do something for Nat. Otherwise I'd be PayPal-ing her the $. So I told Nat that & that she should just be thankful & everytime she wears the boots she should think about Valerie & the girls & take a moment to think happy thoughts their way. I never learned to accept gifts well. I hope Nat does.
I will add the other pix in later that are missing in a fresh post. If I remember, if I don't & somebody wants to see & they ask me I will do it. I just get a little forgetful most of the time.
I've been feeling off lately. I've been sick a lot with stupid illnesses that aren't very serious by are sort of draining when you add them all up. But also I've been moody so I sort of shut down. Of course the first reason didn't help with the second. But the second would have happened no matter what.
Himself is fussy about work (less so now than before as he finally finds his footing) & driving me insane. But now that he's less cranky, he's been in & out going to sea so we haven't really been able to reconnect very well. It's all very well & good to make up except for the fact that sometimes I don't hear from him for days. Not his fault but I miss him.
but onto better things:
I am going to post the pix I took so you can see why I don't usually bother taking pictures.
So the three girls are Nat (my baby girl) Tori (my beloved Traci's daughter) & Ani one of Tori's friends. They went trick or treating with a group of kids in Tori's neighborhood which deadends & has so many children of so many ages going trick or treating that it looks like a neverending population boom. They had a blast. I felt good about letting her be responsible (i.e. go without me, scary much) in a safe environment as well as scared that she's growing up.
This one is Rowan & Sean (also my Traci's boy) they went with their dads
& Evan Sean's little brother. Traci & I stayed in & drank beer & handed out candy & giggled & gossiped & bitched about this & that. Which I needed.
And these are the new boots Nat got today. She's been going to the orthodontist with a friend of mine lately who's got some young kids to help out (Valerie). & Valerie had shown up at my house for a playgroup wearing boots just like that Natalie adored. So when Valerie offered to take Nat to Fred Meyer to pick up a pair for herself after the ortho appointment, I said yes. Nat got her $ together to buy the boots & was looking forward to it all morning before she left. It was so cute. When she came home, she told me that Valerie wouldn't let her pay for them. Now, Nat needs to get her Red Cross Babysitter Training before she can collect $ for watching babies & the last couple of times we tried to take her & her friends it didn't work out. So Valerie has been wanting to do something for Nat. Otherwise I'd be PayPal-ing her the $. So I told Nat that & that she should just be thankful & everytime she wears the boots she should think about Valerie & the girls & take a moment to think happy thoughts their way. I never learned to accept gifts well. I hope Nat does.
update on me
I have back posts sitting in draft form waiting to be finished with pix. will post them out of sequence this week.
I had vertigo for a week 1/2, thankfully not more. it's like it never happened except for the fact that I am still trying to clean from the chaos it left. the sad thing was no knitting or reading hardly at all for almost the whole time & the fact that the meds they gave me made me sound drunk & I had some rather odd conversations with people that I felt the need to explain later. silly me. but I was loaned the first season of LOST which made me giggle & want to see the next few seasons as I laid in bed trying not to move my head. too many attractive people on that island for the real world, suspension of disbelief is required. Plot holes, who cares? entertaining & destressifying
Kids started up homeschooling, first few weeks after a break are always rough. but I've got high hopes for this year.
Atrox has a UTI. so antibiotics for kitty & much washing of laundry for mum. He manage to christen 1/2 the house before the vet visit. I feel bad, I have to keep shutting him up with the litter box so he will be in the right room to make it in time. I keep visiting him in there--he is so bored & tired of being shut up. but I need to wash regular laundry not all the blankets he keeps laying on.
I'm clearing out my book collection. a good friend (thank you, Valerie!) gave me rather a lot of books that she pared out of her own collection which forced me to go through my own to make room. I am giving up all books that I own in a good format ebook. I am giving up all books that I know I won't read again or at all in the case of some of the ones I got from a eBay purchase of 900 or so. The sad thing is how many thousands are still around the house & when you add in the ebooks--I bought 5 more the other day with a the push of a finger. But I have been selling them gangbusters on Amazon. I ended up buying about 350 bubble mailers for the purpose of my Amazon market place. & I set aside a bunch of strange ones mixed in with good ones going for a penny on Amazon for eBay lots.
then there is the virus-i-fied laptop crises (the anti-virus software from the megacorp ran out & we magically got a virus). we got so frustrated that we backuped as much as we remembered to & wiped it back to factory settings. now we have a dual boot Windows & Linux setup for my main computer. Nat's computer is totally Linux. hmm, one day we will be totally suborned by Linux--except for gaming. I wish the gaming community would get on board with Linux. it creeps up on you--first the OpenOffice stuff, then Mozilla Firefox, then it's Thunderbird & Telllico & Tomboy Notes (which I adore).
I had vertigo for a week 1/2, thankfully not more. it's like it never happened except for the fact that I am still trying to clean from the chaos it left. the sad thing was no knitting or reading hardly at all for almost the whole time & the fact that the meds they gave me made me sound drunk & I had some rather odd conversations with people that I felt the need to explain later. silly me. but I was loaned the first season of LOST which made me giggle & want to see the next few seasons as I laid in bed trying not to move my head. too many attractive people on that island for the real world, suspension of disbelief is required. Plot holes, who cares? entertaining & destressifying
Kids started up homeschooling, first few weeks after a break are always rough. but I've got high hopes for this year.
Atrox has a UTI. so antibiotics for kitty & much washing of laundry for mum. He manage to christen 1/2 the house before the vet visit. I feel bad, I have to keep shutting him up with the litter box so he will be in the right room to make it in time. I keep visiting him in there--he is so bored & tired of being shut up. but I need to wash regular laundry not all the blankets he keeps laying on.
I'm clearing out my book collection. a good friend (thank you, Valerie!) gave me rather a lot of books that she pared out of her own collection which forced me to go through my own to make room. I am giving up all books that I own in a good format ebook. I am giving up all books that I know I won't read again or at all in the case of some of the ones I got from a eBay purchase of 900 or so. The sad thing is how many thousands are still around the house & when you add in the ebooks--I bought 5 more the other day with a the push of a finger. But I have been selling them gangbusters on Amazon. I ended up buying about 350 bubble mailers for the purpose of my Amazon market place. & I set aside a bunch of strange ones mixed in with good ones going for a penny on Amazon for eBay lots.
then there is the virus-i-fied laptop crises (the anti-virus software from the megacorp ran out & we magically got a virus). we got so frustrated that we backuped as much as we remembered to & wiped it back to factory settings. now we have a dual boot Windows & Linux setup for my main computer. Nat's computer is totally Linux. hmm, one day we will be totally suborned by Linux--except for gaming. I wish the gaming community would get on board with Linux. it creeps up on you--first the OpenOffice stuff, then Mozilla Firefox, then it's Thunderbird & Telllico & Tomboy Notes (which I adore).
socks for Natalie
So I found some killer socks for Natalie. & all my darling husband could say was "are you trying to make her into another Kira?" for those of you not knowing the Kira, I'm so sorry, your loss. here she is http://audacemfaciebatamor.blogspot.com/ To which I had to respond--"You like Kira so what's wrong with that?" no answer but laughter from himself.
check out the sockage:
2 knee highs
{need to take pix, to be posted later}
1 thigh high
{need to take pix to be posted later}
But I don't think I've ever seen Kira in such socks. That would involve short pants or skirts--& she was way too conscious of sunblock to ever see her in short pants at school. But they were very happyfying socks, very fun, very funky & they make you smile. which is very Kira.
check out the sockage:
2 knee highs
{need to take pix, to be posted later}
1 thigh high
{need to take pix to be posted later}
But I don't think I've ever seen Kira in such socks. That would involve short pants or skirts--& she was way too conscious of sunblock to ever see her in short pants at school. But they were very happyfying socks, very fun, very funky & they make you smile. which is very Kira.
things I did or forgot to share. (don't dye mommy, please)
So my son is a smart@#%. He made bad dyeing puns until Sonja came over to help me dye. (But why do we have to dye? Dyeing is so messy. Can't we dye another day? But I don't want to dye.) (Thanks, Sonja!) I tried immersion/vat dyeing & dipdyeing. I have final pix on stuff & 2 action shots of dipdyeing in progress.
So Sonja helped me mix up the dye--all mistakes are mine, she made the funniest face when I dumped in the soda ash all at once instead of adding it gradually like the instructions said.
I threw some stuff in all at once. The Chinese red shirt for Rowan is the one that I messed up the soda ash on.
Oh, look. It's clothing & it's clean & just out of the dryer. How can you tell? there's a cat on it. This is a 2 tie jacket done in midnight blue.
& 2 kilt green long sleeve Ts, one for Charlie & one for Rowan.
Then I tried dipdyeing a shirt. Which turned out pretty good except for the spotch on the boob from where I stirred & splashed. Will know better next time. I enjoyed it. I really thought it would be darker. Sonja did too according to a post on our chat board. err, rant board. err, *ap parenting* board. Dyed in kilt green.
She dipdyed a tank top. No pix. Then when it came time to throw out the dye I couldn't do it. It was like pouring millions down the drain. So I grabbed other items waiting to be dyed & started tossing them in. A bit randomly. & this is what I got:
a minty colored 2 tie jacket for me dyed in the kilt green.
& some handkerchiefs to be used as napkins in a pink that were dyed in the leftover Chinese red.
{need to find the pix to be posted later}
Except this dress for Nat. It came out superlight & she wanted it dark. so we dipped the whole thing in a new bucket of midnight blue dye & left it dipdyeing for some hours like so.
I have to admit at one point we were paintin dye on the collar area with a paint brush prior to dipping the whole thing in the bucket. Then we got this when I finally took it out & washed it up:
{need to take a pic--to be posted later}
Finally what I forgot to share but am quite proud of:
This might look like only a bruise to you, but this represents a glorious bullseye at the RenFair the first weekend in August. I got 3 EXCELLENT shots in, & 10 more respectable ones for someone who shoots only once a year if that. There's obviously something wrong with my form, but dang, I was quite proud of those three center shots. All 3 of the shots that went center smacked my arm something awful. after that, my aim went south. I think my arm hurt or something. Can't imagine why. This is a few days later.
So Sonja helped me mix up the dye--all mistakes are mine, she made the funniest face when I dumped in the soda ash all at once instead of adding it gradually like the instructions said.
I threw some stuff in all at once. The Chinese red shirt for Rowan is the one that I messed up the soda ash on.
Oh, look. It's clothing & it's clean & just out of the dryer. How can you tell? there's a cat on it. This is a 2 tie jacket done in midnight blue.
& 2 kilt green long sleeve Ts, one for Charlie & one for Rowan.
Then I tried dipdyeing a shirt. Which turned out pretty good except for the spotch on the boob from where I stirred & splashed. Will know better next time. I enjoyed it. I really thought it would be darker. Sonja did too according to a post on our chat board. err, rant board. err, *ap parenting* board. Dyed in kilt green.
She dipdyed a tank top. No pix. Then when it came time to throw out the dye I couldn't do it. It was like pouring millions down the drain. So I grabbed other items waiting to be dyed & started tossing them in. A bit randomly. & this is what I got:
a minty colored 2 tie jacket for me dyed in the kilt green.
& some handkerchiefs to be used as napkins in a pink that were dyed in the leftover Chinese red.
{need to find the pix to be posted later}
Except this dress for Nat. It came out superlight & she wanted it dark. so we dipped the whole thing in a new bucket of midnight blue dye & left it dipdyeing for some hours like so.
I have to admit at one point we were paintin dye on the collar area with a paint brush prior to dipping the whole thing in the bucket. Then we got this when I finally took it out & washed it up:
{need to take a pic--to be posted later}
Finally what I forgot to share but am quite proud of:
This might look like only a bruise to you, but this represents a glorious bullseye at the RenFair the first weekend in August. I got 3 EXCELLENT shots in, & 10 more respectable ones for someone who shoots only once a year if that. There's obviously something wrong with my form, but dang, I was quite proud of those three center shots. All 3 of the shots that went center smacked my arm something awful. after that, my aim went south. I think my arm hurt or something. Can't imagine why. This is a few days later.
Notions on a theme--old stuff & back to basics.
Last few weeks blah. I am so tired. I feel mostly good about volunteering at Cub Scout/Webelos Camps. The last day was rough. But at least I waved the flag by being there. And having some (maybe 1/2 dozen insanely, maybe 30 or so more moderately to mildly so) 9 & 10 year old boys be absolutely fascinated with my passion (Greco-Roman stuffage) & asking mad crazy questions about what I bored them with was awesome. Arts & crafts & learning, yeah. But it felt good to connect to those kids. They all loved looking through my books. Admittedly the one book they all like was the 100 facts about gladiators books, but hey, most of the kids liked all the books & having at least 1 book every kid looked through made me happy.
Just thinking--things I did today.
I cooked:
Banana Bread--from the Betty Crocker Cookbook--5 mini loaves--1 half gone, 1 in the fridge freezer, 3 in the deep freeze. For CharlieBoy the Schnauzer. For breakfast. I want to make up a lot of bread type things so he can have something warm homemade for breakfast when he is home. I will be making chocolate raspberry next. Traci & I made some once with raspberries from the yard & it was delicious. But not enough chocolate--because you can never have enough chocolate. So more chocolate. And I'm thinking apple bread too. Yummy. Nat & Tori made apple muffins one time & it was delicious, I think I can modify their fixings to quickbread pretty easily.
I tried to make pizza rolls, then the second batch I tried to make pizza sandwich pockets. Ugh, tasted yummy, looked disgusting. Think we'll try that again. I made up pizza dough from a package (wanted it to go quickly) then we rolled it out. It stuck like crazy & the bread part looked awful & the fillings oozed out but I rather liked the taste. Charlie helped me try to move the pockets the best he could but it really didn't work. He suggested that next time I roll out the dough & put it on the cookie sheet & put the filler on the dough & cover with a layer of dough & pinch the dough together around the filler. I want to do pepperoni pizza and ham & cheddar & maybe broccoli and chicken & broccoli. I'm kind of excited about the thought of figuring it all. But if I can get it to work we'll make up a bunch then freeze it up for snacks. Yum.
No knitting for weeks. I am jonesing for it, as soon as my mother-in-law gets here I can get to work on some poor projects that have been languishing in neglect.
Charlie & Natalie have gotten Nat's (new name courtesy my friend Valerie from playgroup, Stormy) new bed done. It looks awesome, her room looks like a much older kid's room. Wah! My baby girl is getting so big! {Of course the fact that she wears the same size bra as my mom is freaking me out as well. And she is taller than all of her grandmas & most of her aunts!}They did a great job.
We needed to do something about her room because it was getting unacceptable to the point of nasty. clothes everywhere but put up, crap on her desk, things getting broken because they weren't put up, dresser drawers over stuffed then broken, things shoved under her bed, losing things, never having a hairbrush & looking ratty & uncared for, things hanging on the back of her chair & making it fall over & break things, being late because she could never find anything, food trash & dishes when she isn't allowed to eat in her room. So we decided to try & make things work for her & us instead of fussing at her (because that was working really well & making us all so very happy).
We figured that putting her in a loft bed would make it easier to keep the underside of her bed from being a black hole for crap--at least we can see it. And she has at least twice the desk space so now she has a place for her ant farms & triops city & sea monkeys (we need to buy her some more). She has shelving for her manga with plenty of room to grow.
We took one of her little white shelves out & put a larger black one in so she had more room for books + room to grow again. Also we bought her a dresser with more room in it for her clothing so she could get everything in there instead of needing to hang some things up--which never happened & clean clothes just got thrown on the floor & mixed with dirty & rewashed without ever being worn or shoved in the dresser.
More book shelves full of her favorite series with room to grow. Her mirror has a clock in it to help her be more on time while getting ready--can I say I love IKEA? There is a place for her hairbrush on top of her jewelry box. All of which she can now reach & still see the mirror pretty well.
notice the cool chair from IKEA--no back so nothing to hang on the back & get her in trouble & the shape makes it less stacking friendly so she isn't stacking crap on it any more & pissing off her dad. We also bought both kids trash cans & dirty clothes storage. Let's hope even part of what we've done works.
We are purging like nuts, furniture posted on Craigslist. Books posted on playgroup website & 8 already gone, an entire box of books to get rid of from the personal library online. More to come book wise possibly--be impressed that there are any. We are going to sell them online as I look for a good bunch to do the whole online book selling thing.
Recycling went gangbusters today:
The beer bottles are partially from a party a couple of weeks ago & 2 weeks of Charlie + some others drinking. We are going to offer them to a friend who homebrews some really tasty beer. I'm just glad it's a little more organized than it was.
Just thinking--things I did today.
I cooked:
Banana Bread--from the Betty Crocker Cookbook--5 mini loaves--1 half gone, 1 in the fridge freezer, 3 in the deep freeze. For CharlieBoy the Schnauzer. For breakfast. I want to make up a lot of bread type things so he can have something warm homemade for breakfast when he is home. I will be making chocolate raspberry next. Traci & I made some once with raspberries from the yard & it was delicious. But not enough chocolate--because you can never have enough chocolate. So more chocolate. And I'm thinking apple bread too. Yummy. Nat & Tori made apple muffins one time & it was delicious, I think I can modify their fixings to quickbread pretty easily.
I tried to make pizza rolls, then the second batch I tried to make pizza sandwich pockets. Ugh, tasted yummy, looked disgusting. Think we'll try that again. I made up pizza dough from a package (wanted it to go quickly) then we rolled it out. It stuck like crazy & the bread part looked awful & the fillings oozed out but I rather liked the taste. Charlie helped me try to move the pockets the best he could but it really didn't work. He suggested that next time I roll out the dough & put it on the cookie sheet & put the filler on the dough & cover with a layer of dough & pinch the dough together around the filler. I want to do pepperoni pizza and ham & cheddar & maybe broccoli and chicken & broccoli. I'm kind of excited about the thought of figuring it all. But if I can get it to work we'll make up a bunch then freeze it up for snacks. Yum.
No knitting for weeks. I am jonesing for it, as soon as my mother-in-law gets here I can get to work on some poor projects that have been languishing in neglect.
Charlie & Natalie have gotten Nat's (new name courtesy my friend Valerie from playgroup, Stormy) new bed done. It looks awesome, her room looks like a much older kid's room. Wah! My baby girl is getting so big! {Of course the fact that she wears the same size bra as my mom is freaking me out as well. And she is taller than all of her grandmas & most of her aunts!}They did a great job.
We needed to do something about her room because it was getting unacceptable to the point of nasty. clothes everywhere but put up, crap on her desk, things getting broken because they weren't put up, dresser drawers over stuffed then broken, things shoved under her bed, losing things, never having a hairbrush & looking ratty & uncared for, things hanging on the back of her chair & making it fall over & break things, being late because she could never find anything, food trash & dishes when she isn't allowed to eat in her room. So we decided to try & make things work for her & us instead of fussing at her (because that was working really well & making us all so very happy).
We figured that putting her in a loft bed would make it easier to keep the underside of her bed from being a black hole for crap--at least we can see it. And she has at least twice the desk space so now she has a place for her ant farms & triops city & sea monkeys (we need to buy her some more). She has shelving for her manga with plenty of room to grow.
We took one of her little white shelves out & put a larger black one in so she had more room for books + room to grow again. Also we bought her a dresser with more room in it for her clothing so she could get everything in there instead of needing to hang some things up--which never happened & clean clothes just got thrown on the floor & mixed with dirty & rewashed without ever being worn or shoved in the dresser.
More book shelves full of her favorite series with room to grow. Her mirror has a clock in it to help her be more on time while getting ready--can I say I love IKEA? There is a place for her hairbrush on top of her jewelry box. All of which she can now reach & still see the mirror pretty well.
notice the cool chair from IKEA--no back so nothing to hang on the back & get her in trouble & the shape makes it less stacking friendly so she isn't stacking crap on it any more & pissing off her dad. We also bought both kids trash cans & dirty clothes storage. Let's hope even part of what we've done works.
We are purging like nuts, furniture posted on Craigslist. Books posted on playgroup website & 8 already gone, an entire box of books to get rid of from the personal library online. More to come book wise possibly--be impressed that there are any. We are going to sell them online as I look for a good bunch to do the whole online book selling thing.
Recycling went gangbusters today:
The beer bottles are partially from a party a couple of weeks ago & 2 weeks of Charlie + some others drinking. We are going to offer them to a friend who homebrews some really tasty beer. I'm just glad it's a little more organized than it was.
So I didn't get the ebay bid.
But I don't mind. I felt like myself for the first time in such a very long time. Why, you say? Once upon a time, I took risks. It wasn't just impulse control issues. I saw something, evaluated the situation & did what I wanted. No regrets. Then I started not taking so many risks & the next thing I knew. Bang, impulse control, what's that? Big red button. Push it quick! See what happens. Regrets galore.
I feel like I can breathe again. Everything until very recently has been stifling & smothering & I felt like I couldn't breathe. But now I can.
Not that it was what fixed me, but it was the first humongous sign that things were getting better. There were other clues. But this was a definite sign. From me, not from on high.
So, yeah me.
I feel like I can breathe again. Everything until very recently has been stifling & smothering & I felt like I couldn't breathe. But now I can.
Not that it was what fixed me, but it was the first humongous sign that things were getting better. There were other clues. But this was a definite sign. From me, not from on high.
So, yeah me.
My beautiful earth mama in training
So my friend Stephanie from playgroup took the most amazing picture of my daughter, Nat. It shows her in her element. I think they are examining a caterpillar. She loves to go to playgroup & spend time with her "tribe." Being with the kiddos empowers her & gives her more confidence than I would have ever thought. When she is being negative, I can say to her: "Don't you think you are good at relating to your tribe & playing with them?" She answers "yeah, I'm pretty good with them." more often than not. She has been having confidence issues for a while now. I'm glad there is something so positive that she can say, "yeah, I'm good at that." The only thing as good as a baby in my arms is watching my daughter with one in hers. But I am so relieved that she is so not ready for one of her own. That would freak me out.
best knitting project ever
This is the best knitting project I have ever seen. Not because it is technically perfect. But because it makes me all weepy & proud. This is Nat's first Finished project (pre sewing the tail). It is a WarmUp America Square. It is so beautiful. Go, baby girl! Your mother couldn't be prouder!!!!!!!!!!
craftomatic 5000
Today is for the posting of the projects per Kira's request (this one's for you girl).
Gwen's peace dragon dress. My first stranding multicolor big project. I had to take two patterns to figure out the dress part too--I am so proud. Yeah me. I had a blast thinking this one out. I love the fact that I am now understanding what I am doing enough to look at a pattern & morph it.
Then there is the balaclava helmet I knitted up for himself as a father's day gift out of peace fleece wool. Yeah, hippie art!!!!!!! Woohoo. Peace Fleece is made from a blend of Russian, Romanian, American, Israeli and Palestinian wools. Way cool. The only thing better than this picture to the right of me is this next one below.
This is why I love my kids being mine. In a nutshell. They can't pose for a simple picture without getting creative. We had to take a half a dozen pix to get it figured out. S'okay. Time spent with my little man isn't a waste. Even if I was supposed to be cleaning when I took the pix.
I will have to post some old pix with comments another day. Because I am still supposed to be cleaning.
Gwen's peace dragon dress. My first stranding multicolor big project. I had to take two patterns to figure out the dress part too--I am so proud. Yeah me. I had a blast thinking this one out. I love the fact that I am now understanding what I am doing enough to look at a pattern & morph it.
Then there is the balaclava helmet I knitted up for himself as a father's day gift out of peace fleece wool. Yeah, hippie art!!!!!!! Woohoo. Peace Fleece is made from a blend of Russian, Romanian, American, Israeli and Palestinian wools. Way cool. The only thing better than this picture to the right of me is this next one below.
This is why I love my kids being mine. In a nutshell. They can't pose for a simple picture without getting creative. We had to take a half a dozen pix to get it figured out. S'okay. Time spent with my little man isn't a waste. Even if I was supposed to be cleaning when I took the pix.
I will have to post some old pix with comments another day. Because I am still supposed to be cleaning.
Hey! why don't they make robeez for adults? dang it. my feet could use some protective yet freedomifying shoes. dang it. check these things out.
I thought about posting a link to the images individually but looking at them individually would take too long. And the ones that make me sing might make you barf & vice versa.
I thought about posting a link to the images individually but looking at them individually would take too long. And the ones that make me sing might make you barf & vice versa.
Be brave.
{Reposted from a topic at playgroup website}
Okay, here's the thing. At one point, I was doing the online used book selling thing (just about 2 years ago). I really got a kick out of it--there was something fun about mailing off the books (I'm sure if I increased my volume it would become less fun), having the books around even if I never touched them. But I didn't have a huge inventory so I didn't make a lot of $--definately a volume thing. Charlie & I have talked about it off & on now for those past 2 years or so. We've been looking at wholesale ebay lots. We've talked about me trying to apply for a small business grant (not loan) & going whole hog with a home business. Basically not expecting huge amounts of $ but maybe enough to pay 1 or 2 bills a month or save some $, once I paid off initial outlay.
I just emailed this person who is auctioning off 20,700 books in OR (close enough to rent a uhaul & pick up in person basically) about his/her inventory. I guess he/she had a brickfront store & is going out of business. I wouldn't have time for applying for a small business grant. But I can pay for the inventory out of our savings unless the price goes up too much. And there's enough room in my crap room (craft room) & rec room for all the books. And we've got a pretty good library database on one of our computers for tracking the books seperately from our personal books. But I could start applying for a small business grant after I got it & pay some fees & get more inventory & a separate cheap computer & printer & quick books & a scanner & shipping supplies, etc. etc. etc.
I've woke up off & on for most of the night thinking about things. Part of me wants to say whether or not I get this auction (I haven't even bid yet, 3 days left), I should start looking more aggressively for an inventory; especially a large one. But part of me is so nervy about taking a chance. But looking around at some of you lot at playgroup with online stores makes me want to take a chance. I know some of you aren't going mad with the sales yet but you're doing sales at all! I guess I thought starting up a online store even like Sonja's it would take months to even get just a few sales from non friends at all. Because I thought no matter how good you are at what you do, sales would just take forever to even start, I was shocked that she had people other than playgroup people buying off of her. I actually really, really like her product & I thought that way (that sounds awful but I hope you know what I mean). And my inventory would be listed on all ready set up well known sites--Amazon used book sellers, ebay, that sort of thing. So I wouldn't have to worry about needing to get known or anything or having to make enough product to be able to post pictures of things online or even set up a website at all initially.
can y'all tell looking at Sonja's website is sort of inspiring me? even more than the rest of the people I know doing business, & I'm not even sure if she is turning a profit yet! (Not asking, Sonja!). It was an off hand comment at playgroup about some woman special ordering ugly colors. And knowing I'm thinking about buying Nat a skirt from her for Christmas unless Sonja gets tired of it by then. And listening to converstions about web hosting & such. And thinking, hey! I could administer a website--I have a goto guy at my house at least 75 hours a week 3 months at a time. And my BIL is a 'puter geek, too for oncrew times.
So tell me to be brave. And take a chance.
Okay, here's the thing. At one point, I was doing the online used book selling thing (just about 2 years ago). I really got a kick out of it--there was something fun about mailing off the books (I'm sure if I increased my volume it would become less fun), having the books around even if I never touched them. But I didn't have a huge inventory so I didn't make a lot of $--definately a volume thing. Charlie & I have talked about it off & on now for those past 2 years or so. We've been looking at wholesale ebay lots. We've talked about me trying to apply for a small business grant (not loan) & going whole hog with a home business. Basically not expecting huge amounts of $ but maybe enough to pay 1 or 2 bills a month or save some $, once I paid off initial outlay.
I just emailed this person who is auctioning off 20,700 books in OR (close enough to rent a uhaul & pick up in person basically) about his/her inventory. I guess he/she had a brickfront store & is going out of business. I wouldn't have time for applying for a small business grant. But I can pay for the inventory out of our savings unless the price goes up too much. And there's enough room in my crap room (craft room) & rec room for all the books. And we've got a pretty good library database on one of our computers for tracking the books seperately from our personal books. But I could start applying for a small business grant after I got it & pay some fees & get more inventory & a separate cheap computer & printer & quick books & a scanner & shipping supplies, etc. etc. etc.
I've woke up off & on for most of the night thinking about things. Part of me wants to say whether or not I get this auction (I haven't even bid yet, 3 days left), I should start looking more aggressively for an inventory; especially a large one. But part of me is so nervy about taking a chance. But looking around at some of you lot at playgroup with online stores makes me want to take a chance. I know some of you aren't going mad with the sales yet but you're doing sales at all! I guess I thought starting up a online store even like Sonja's it would take months to even get just a few sales from non friends at all. Because I thought no matter how good you are at what you do, sales would just take forever to even start, I was shocked that she had people other than playgroup people buying off of her. I actually really, really like her product & I thought that way (that sounds awful but I hope you know what I mean). And my inventory would be listed on all ready set up well known sites--Amazon used book sellers, ebay, that sort of thing. So I wouldn't have to worry about needing to get known or anything or having to make enough product to be able to post pictures of things online or even set up a website at all initially.
can y'all tell looking at Sonja's website is sort of inspiring me? even more than the rest of the people I know doing business, & I'm not even sure if she is turning a profit yet! (Not asking, Sonja!). It was an off hand comment at playgroup about some woman special ordering ugly colors. And knowing I'm thinking about buying Nat a skirt from her for Christmas unless Sonja gets tired of it by then. And listening to converstions about web hosting & such. And thinking, hey! I could administer a website--I have a goto guy at my house at least 75 hours a week 3 months at a time. And my BIL is a 'puter geek, too for oncrew times.
So tell me to be brave. And take a chance.
Trying something new.
So don't like the blog thingie on MySpace so let's see if I like this better.
If I can just figure things out, I will probably babble here instead. Not much to say now should have pix tonight & tomorrow from Seattle trips.
If I can just figure things out, I will probably babble here instead. Not much to say now should have pix tonight & tomorrow from Seattle trips.
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