
update on me

I have back posts sitting in draft form waiting to be finished with pix. will post them out of sequence this week.

I had vertigo for a week 1/2, thankfully not more. it's like it never happened except for the fact that I am still trying to clean from the chaos it left. the sad thing was no knitting or reading hardly at all for almost the whole time & the fact that the meds they gave me made me sound drunk & I had some rather odd conversations with people that I felt the need to explain later. silly me. but I was loaned the first season of LOST which made me giggle & want to see the next few seasons as I laid in bed trying not to move my head. too many attractive people on that island for the real world, suspension of disbelief is required. Plot holes, who cares? entertaining & destressifying

Kids started up homeschooling, first few weeks after a break are always rough. but I've got high hopes for this year.

Atrox has a UTI. so antibiotics for kitty & much washing of laundry for mum. He manage to christen 1/2 the house before the vet visit. I feel bad, I have to keep shutting him up with the litter box so he will be in the right room to make it in time. I keep visiting him in there--he is so bored & tired of being shut up. but I need to wash regular laundry not all the blankets he keeps laying on.

I'm clearing out my book collection. a good friend (thank you, Valerie!) gave me rather a lot of books that she pared out of her own collection which forced me to go through my own to make room. I am giving up all books that I own in a good format ebook. I am giving up all books that I know I won't read again or at all in the case of some of the ones I got from a eBay purchase of 900 or so. The sad thing is how many thousands are still around the house & when you add in the ebooks--I bought 5 more the other day with a the push of a finger. But I have been selling them gangbusters on Amazon. I ended up buying about 350 bubble mailers for the purpose of my Amazon market place. & I set aside a bunch of strange ones mixed in with good ones going for a penny on Amazon for eBay lots.

then there is the virus-i-fied laptop crises (the anti-virus software from the megacorp ran out & we magically got a virus). we got so frustrated that we backuped as much as we remembered to & wiped it back to factory settings. now we have a dual boot Windows & Linux setup for my main computer. Nat's computer is totally Linux. hmm, one day we will be totally suborned by Linux--except for gaming. I wish the gaming community would get on board with Linux. it creeps up on you--first the OpenOffice stuff, then Mozilla Firefox, then it's Thunderbird & Telllico & Tomboy Notes (which I adore).