Just thinking--things I did today.
I cooked:

I tried to make pizza rolls, then the second batch I tried to make pizza sandwich pockets. Ugh, tasted yummy, looked disgusting. Think we'll try that again. I made up pizza dough from a package (wanted it to go quickly) then we rolled it out. It stuck like crazy & the bread part looked awful & the fillings oozed out but I rather liked the taste. Charlie helped me try to move the pockets the best he could but it really didn't work. He suggested that next time I roll out the dough & put it on the cookie sheet & put the filler on the dough & cover with a layer of dough & pinch the dough together around the filler. I want to do pepperoni pizza and ham & cheddar & maybe broccoli and chicken & broccoli. I'm kind of excited about the thought of figuring it all. But if I can get it to work we'll make up a bunch then freeze it up for snacks. Yum.
No knitting for weeks. I am jonesing for it, as soon as my mother-in-law gets here I can get to work on some poor projects that have been languishing in neglect.
Charlie & Natalie have gotten Nat's (new name courtesy my friend Valerie from playgroup, Stormy) new bed done. It looks awesome, her room looks like a much older kid's room. Wah! My baby girl is getting so big! {Of course the fact that she wears the same size bra as my mom is freaking me out as well. And she is taller than all of her grandmas & most of her aunts!}They did a great job.
We needed to do something about her room because it was getting unacceptable to the point of nasty. clothes everywhere but put up, crap on her desk, things getting broken because they weren't put up, dresser drawers over stuffed then broken, things shoved under her bed, losing things, never having a hairbrush & looking ratty & uncared for, things hanging on the back of her chair & making it fall over & break things, being late because she could never find anything, food trash & dishes when she isn't allowed to eat in her room. So we decided to try & make things work for her & us instead of fussing at her (because that was working really well & making us all so very happy).

We took one of her little white shelves out & put a larger black one in so she had more room for books + room to grow again. Also we bought her a dresser with more room in it for her clothing so she could get everything in there instead of needing to hang some things up--which never happened & clean clothes just got thrown on the floor & mixed with dirty & rewashed without ever being worn or shoved in the dresser.

We are purging like nuts, furniture posted on Craigslist. Books posted on playgroup website & 8 already gone, an entire box of books to get rid of from the personal library online. More to come book wise possibly--be impressed that there are any. We are going to sell them online as I look for a good bunch to do the whole online book selling thing.
Recycling went gangbusters today:

The beer bottles are partially from a party a couple of weeks ago & 2 weeks of Charlie + some others drinking. We are going to offer them to a friend who homebrews some really tasty beer. I'm just glad it's a little more organized than it was.