I thought about posting a link to the images individually but looking at them individually would take too long. And the ones that make me sing might make you barf & vice versa.
Okay, here's the thing. At one point, I was doing the online used book selling thing (just about 2 years ago). I really got a kick out of it--there was something fun about mailing off the books (I'm sure if I increased my volume it would become less fun), having the books around even if I never touched them. But I didn't have a huge inventory so I didn't make a lot of $--definately a volume thing. Charlie & I have talked about it off & on now for those past 2 years or so. We've been looking at wholesale ebay lots. We've talked about me trying to apply for a small business grant (not loan) & going whole hog with a home business. Basically not expecting huge amounts of $ but maybe enough to pay 1 or 2 bills a month or save some $, once I paid off initial outlay.
I just emailed this person who is auctioning off 20,700 books in OR (close enough to rent a uhaul & pick up in person basically) about his/her inventory. I guess he/she had a brickfront store & is going out of business. I wouldn't have time for applying for a small business grant. But I can pay for the inventory out of our savings unless the price goes up too much. And there's enough room in my crap room (craft room) & rec room for all the books. And we've got a pretty good library database on one of our computers for tracking the books seperately from our personal books. But I could start applying for a small business grant after I got it & pay some fees & get more inventory & a separate cheap computer & printer & quick books & a scanner & shipping supplies, etc. etc. etc.
I've woke up off & on for most of the night thinking about things. Part of me wants to say whether or not I get this auction (I haven't even bid yet, 3 days left), I should start looking more aggressively for an inventory; especially a large one. But part of me is so nervy about taking a chance. But looking around at some of you lot at playgroup with online stores makes me want to take a chance. I know some of you aren't going mad with the sales yet but you're doing sales at all! I guess I thought starting up a online store even like Sonja's it would take months to even get just a few sales from non friends at all. Because I thought no matter how good you are at what you do, sales would just take forever to even start, I was shocked that she had people other than playgroup people buying off of her. I actually really, really like her product & I thought that way (that sounds awful but I hope you know what I mean). And my inventory would be listed on all ready set up well known sites--Amazon used book sellers, ebay, that sort of thing. So I wouldn't have to worry about needing to get known or anything or having to make enough product to be able to post pictures of things online or even set up a website at all initially.
can y'all tell looking at Sonja's website is sort of inspiring me? even more than the rest of the people I know doing business, & I'm not even sure if she is turning a profit yet! (Not asking, Sonja!). It was an off hand comment at playgroup about some woman special ordering ugly colors. And knowing I'm thinking about buying Nat a skirt from her for Christmas unless Sonja gets tired of it by then. And listening to converstions about web hosting & such. And thinking, hey! I could administer a website--I have a goto guy at my house at least 75 hours a week 3 months at a time. And my BIL is a 'puter geek, too for oncrew times.